Germans Are Coming for Their Gold
we looked at some popular conspiracy theories and how many if not
most of them have little basis in fact... if of course you are
willing to look for more reasonable, non-conspiratorial explanations.
One of these is the idea that there really is no gold stored at Ft.
Knox. It was all stolen years ago or else spent on some secret
government project or other. At least that's what the conspiracy
theorists would have you believe.
I thought my rebuttal was pretty effective but I
guess not because some German officials must have come across my
musings and now the German government accounting agency wants to come
to the U.S. and inspect the tons of gold Germany has stored here.
Our country stores gold for some three dozen countries around the
world, most of it in a huge vault eight stories below the Federal
Reserve Bank in New York City. We hardly ever let anyone into the
vault which has only one elevator and that elevator is controlled
from a secret remote location outside of New York.
It turns out that Germany is second only to the US in
the size of its gold stockpile. We have a little over 8,000 tons
while the Germans have 3,400 tons, a sizable chunk of which is stored
in New York. Why would all these nations store their gold here?
Because many of them feel it is safer than in their own country and
besides, its probably cheaper to use our high tech, super secure
vault than build and maintain one of their own. In the case of
Germany it grew out of Cold War fears that the country might someday
be overrun by a Soviet invasion of Western Europe.
Anyway, for some reason after all these years German
government bean counters have decided it would be a good idea to go
take a physical look-see, you know, just to make sure their gold is
really there. Oh, and by the way, they say they'll want to take a few
random samples for testing so they can be sure all those gold bars
really are 99.9% pure gold and not gold painted lead or tungsten like
the conspiracy theorists claim.
It would be easy to snicker at this seeming silliness
but this is no joke. For the first time in anyone's memory the
Germans really do want to inspect their gold. Actually this whole
matter portends something a lot more serious than either government
wants to discuss, and that assumes of course that Germany's gold
really is in the vault in New York. Let's stick with that
assumption, at least for now.
So what's going on that would suddenly prompt the
German audit? Outside observers speculate that its connected with
the fragility of the European currency, the Euro, and indeed the
survival of the European Union.
Unless you've been stranded on a desert island or
living deep in the Amazon jungle for the past couple of years you
already know that the European Union is in serious trouble
economically. The southern tier of EU countries - Greece, Spain,
Portugal, and Italy – is sinking ever deeper into debt to finance a
lifestyle not supported by their economic productivity. They want
ever larger loans from the northern, financially sound countries like
Germany to keep them, and the Euro, from collapsing.
But a growing number of Germans are saying enough is
enough. If the southern tier countries cannot or will not cut
spending and get their finances in order, then let'em go down the
drain. Sure it would probably mean the end of the Euro and maybe
even the European Union itself. Germany would reinstate its
traditional currency, the Deutschmark, and for a time German exports
would suffer, but in the long run that is preferable - so goes the
argument - to going bankrupt bailing out those lazy wastrels down
Final action on all this has been delayed until German
elections this fall. Chancelor Angela Merkle is running for
re-election and the last thing she wants is a European wide economic
crisis. She has committed Germany to propping up the Euro but if she
and her party lose the election all bets are off.
Now you begin to see the connection to gold. If a new
German government dumps the Euro and goes back to the Deutschmark, it
will want to assure the world of the mark's value and the strength of
German banks through a large gold reserve. Also that reserve is so
big the Germans can use part of it to buy oil, natural gas, and raw
materials on the world market to keep the German economy humming,
even during a global recession triggered by the collapse of the Euro.
And lastly, given the unspoken but very real
expectation among financial elites that a collapse of the Euro would
likely spark a big, if temporary, spike in the price of gold, then it
makes a lot of sense that the Germans would begin counting up their
gold bars, maybe in preparation for their repatriation to the
Fatherland. Who knows, if the Euro goes it might trigger a flight
from all paper money worldwide and that for sure would lead to global
chaos. Germany, France, and some other countries with large
stockpiles of gold might even create some sort of new, gold-backed
currency, something we have not seen since the Great Depression.
Admittedly much of the above is speculation. Yes, the
Germans have the world's second largest stockpile of gold. That we
know. Yes, the Germans for the first time want to physically audit
their gold holdings in New York. That we know. Yes, the economies
of the European Union are weak and its currency shaky with no
realistic long term solution in sight. Many if not most financial
experts agree on that.
And we know that massive corruption is undermining
government legitimacy and stability in China while our country runs
up unsustainable debts that threaten the destroy the dollar as the
world's reserve currency.
rational person, looking at these facts, would have to conclude that
all the pieces are in place for global economic upheaval, perhaps
even chaos. What we don't
is what is the tipping point for the first domino and how fast and
how many dominoes might fall if the world economy begins to shake.
There is certainly no shortage of potential triggers.
Some observers have noted that even the sudden interest by German
officials in the country's gold supply, if it ever resulted in a move
to actually repatriate the gold from the US, could by itself touch
off a worldwide panic.
If the Germans really do ask for their gold back we all
better hope that it really is there underneath the streets of New
York, that it hasn't disappeared like some conspiracy theorists
claim. Published reports say that each of the three dozen nations
with deposits in the New York vault has a designated section for its
gold bars. The sections don't have signs in front of them identifying
them by nation. Instead the sections are identified by number and
only a few people in the American government have access to the list
of numbers and which number corresponds to which nation's stash of
So in theory it would be possible at different times to
take visitors from different nations to the same pile of gold bars
and tell them it's theirs. That is, unless most or all of the
depositor nations suddenly decide to collectively take their gold
back home.
you imagine what would happen if the gold really is
gone? I can just see the Treasury Department now mailing out IOUs
with a note that says something like 'terribly sorry, we seem to have
misplaced your gold, but as soon as we locate it we'll send it back
to you on the next FedEx flight heading your way...'
[Roll “When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again”]
Why does 'Dr. Strangelove' keep popping up in these
articles? Oh, Stanley Kubrick, I wish you were still around. And
Peter Sellers, you too. You could reprise your role as President
Mervin Muckley, Jr. along with Treasury Secretary Timothy Gotchanutz
replacing Dr. Strangelove. And instead of Group Captain Lionel
Mandrake you can play the pilot of the Fedex jet as it drops 100 tons
of radioactive gold bars on the Bundesbank in Berlin as punishment
for Germany plunging the world into yet another global conflagration.
[Roll “Some Sunny Day”]
Please note that I haven't said a word about errant
asteroids hitting the earth, or the supervolcano under Yellowstone
Park, or terrorists with nuclear bombs or poisoning the water supply.
I guess I don't need to...
by Allen B. Hundley
permission to reprint this post please contact the author at
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